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What is Legal Technology?

Friday, June 18, 2021 8:30 AM | Deleted user

 What is Legal Technology?

We specialize in a Legal Technology Certificate badge that offers paralegals, legal specialists, and lawyers the opportunity to learn legal technology. However, what is legal technology? Legal technology, also known as Legal Tech, refers to the use of technology and software to provide legal services and support the legal industry. Today more than ever, learning legal technology is critical for any lawyer or paralegal wanting to advance their career to the next level.

Legal technology traditionally refers to the application of technology and software to help individual lawyers, law firms, medium and large scale businesses with practice management, document storage, billing, accounting and electronic discovery. Learning legal technology as a paralegal makes you more marketable as you advance your career.

Ready to start advancing your career? The National Society for Legal Technology (NSLT) is proud to offer a Legal Technology Certificate badge of learning that provides training and verifies subscribers' knowledge of legal software. The certificate cost is included as part of the $499 NSLT 1-year subscription Fee. The certificate process requires completion of all of the training modules and knowledge checks on 12 different software programs of your choice, selected from the available courses in the Learning Portal. Get started today and get ready to advance your legal career to the next level.

National Society for Legal Technology TM  is dedicated to helping students and legal professionals learn about and explore legal technology software programs. 

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