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Trivia Challenge - Test your knowledge

Wednesday, March 01, 2017 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Trivia Challenge - Test your knowledge

See how knowledgeable you are.  Answer the following questions:

What are the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste in any Microsoft program?

What is the easiest way to make a screen zoom bigger (in Word, Outlook, or even the Internet)?

In PowerPoint, where do you go to change the slide footer already on each page?

In Word, what is the toolbar you can add and delete items from for easy access?

What is the fast easy way to lock your computer (2 keys only!)?

In Word what is the way to change the name of the person putting in track changes?

In Outlook 2007, 2010, 2016, where do you go to put on the Out Of Office message?

In Track Changes (Review) does changing the view to “Final” accept all the changes?

Where in Excel do you go to insert a chart?

In Word, once you have inserted a graphic, how do you change it so you can more that picture around the document?  

Can you do simple sums (formulas) in a Word table? What Ribbon/Tab do you use?

In Excel, where is the ONE place you can change all the printing options (including page size, margins, orientation)?

In Word what is the best way to get to the point to create a Table of Contents easily and swiftly?

Get the Answers: Here

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