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DocReviewPad is an easy-to-use iPad app to review documents, assign Bates numbers, generate reports, and create production sets

DocReviewPad makes it easy to import your universe of documents, assign custom Bates numbers with up to 6 letters and 9 numbers that automatically increment on every page (e.g. ACMECO-123456789); then review the documents and assign built-in tags for Confidential, Privileged, Responsive, or Relevant (assigning the Confidential tag also places the word CONFIDENTIAL next to the Bates number on every page of that document, very important!).

Software Website:  

Links to Available Training:  

Quick Tutorial

DocReviewPad Quick Tutorial

Tags and Issue Codes

DocReviewPad - Tags and Issue Codes

First Impressions

First Impressions

Additional Tutorials Available

Additional Tutorials

Free Trial Available?:  


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